Monday, May 18, 2009

Biodiesel energy as an alternate energy source

Biodiesel energy is the energy provided by bio diesel which is an alternative energy source. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source that can be obtained from biological or natural sources. Bio diesel as biodiesel energy product is manufactured from waste vegetable oil or animal fats. Bio diesel can also be manufactured from oil of palm, rapeseed and from algae as well. The vegetable oils go through the process of transesterification to produce a fuel that possesses energy called bio diesel energy which can be put to a variety of uses. The most important use of bio diesel energy products is that they can be used to power diesel vehicles.

One question that needs to be answered is whether biodiesel energy can be used as an alternative energy source or not. The answer is obviously yes. This is because a few problems are faced when fossil fuels are used to meet the energy demands. The use of fossil fuels results in environmental pollution, increases the global warming and above all this alternative energy resource is a finite one whose reserves will finish one day. In such a situation, bio diesel energy products present themselves as alternative energy sources that can completely fulfill the growing energy demands.

Biodiesel energy
can be used as an alternative energy source because it is environment friendly and does not cause pollution. It also does not emit toxic gases when it burns, is biodegradable and easy to handle and store.

These reasons make biodiesel energy products a viable source of alternative energy.

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